8 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Effect Of Roadside Parking Space Retribution To Local Own-Source Revenue Of Temanggung Regency

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    This study aims to determine (1) The influence of Roadside Parking Space Retribution to Local Own-source Revenue of Temanggung Regency (2) The potential of Roadside Parking Space Retribution of Temanggung Regency on March 2021 (3) The trend of Roadside Parking Space Retribution of Temanggung Regency on March until May 2021 (4) The effectiveness and efficiency ratio of Roadside Parking Space Retribution revenue of Temanggung Regency on 2017 until 2020. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The secondary data was obtained from the Department of Transportation, consisting of the target data for parking retribution, collection fees and the realization of parking retribution that are used in significance test analysis, potential secondary data, trend analysis, effectiveness analysis and efficiency analysis, while the primary data is obtained directly from interviews with parking attendants to calculate the parking potential of primary data. The results of this study are (1) The Roadside Parking Retribution significantly influenced to Local Own-source Revenue of Temanggung Regency (2) The potential of Roadside Parking Retribution could be developed in order to reach its maximum potential (3) Economic forecasting showed that the next three period downward trend will likely occur (4) The effectiveness ratio of Roadside Parking Retribution revenue categorized as very effective and the efficiency ratio categorized as very efficient. It would be best for Department of Transportation of Temanggung Regency to do an annual survey once a year and to improve awareness on how to use a ticket parking among the people

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Economic Growth of the Districts/Cities of West Java Province in 2017-2021

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    This research was conducted in 2022 to analyze the human development index, labor force participation rate, poverty, CO2 emissions, and the number of MSMEs on the economic growth of districts/cities in West Java province in 2017-2021. The choice of a 5-year timeframe is because, during this period, the districts/cities of West Java province have increased economic growth every year except for 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Secondary data is an annual report, so researchers do not include 2022 because it has not accumulated a one-year period. The economy of districts/cities in West Java Province is influenced by positive factors such as the Human Development Index, CO2 emissions, and an increasing number of MSMEs. However, the increase in economic growth is inseparable from the problems of increasing the poor population and the unequal labor force in each region. The panel data regression analysis method is used to align the hypothesis with the theory. Developing research that has existed before with differences in location selection and combining variables from various aspects so that differences in results become updates to the factors that influence economic growth in this study

    Can village fund improve community welfare in central java province?

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    Village fund is state budget allocated to all villages in Indonesia. This fund is used to finance rural administrative government, rural development, rural empowerment and community development. One of the Village Fund Allocation’s (Alokasi Dana Desa/ADD’s) goals is to reduce poverty and inequality as well as to improve community welfare. Poverty alleviation is a global action under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research is aimed to analyze the impact of Village Funds on community welfare by employing the intervening variable poverty levels in Central Java Province. Secondary data from 29 districts in Central Java were used in this research. This was a quantitative research which employed Path Analysis Method. The independent variable in this research was Village Fund and the dependent variable was community welfare which utilized poverty as the intervening variable. Based on the Path Analysis Method, this research found that Village Fund had no impact on community welfare in Central Java province. However, through indirect path analysis, it was found that Village Fund had an impact on community welfare in terms of poverty level. This finding showed that Village Fund had a direct impact on reducing poverty level, and the poverty level affected the community welfare in Central Java accordingly

    Perkebunan kelapa sawit dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di provinsi kalimantan tengah

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    Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah merupakan produsen kelapa sawit terbesar kedua di Indonesia dalam kontribusinya terhadap produksi kelapa sawit Nasional. Produksi kelapa sawit Kalimantan Tengah dan produksi domestik lainnya diharapkan mampu memberikan  kontribusi  terhadap  kemiskinan dan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara luas lahan, jumlah hasil produksi dari kelapa sawit dan pdrb terhadap kemiskinan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan analisis panel fixed effect dengan menggunakan data skunder yaitu data statistik di Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil yang diperoleh variabel luas lahan sawit yang ada di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah memberikan pengaruh tetapi signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di provinsi tersebut. Jumlah hasil produksi kelapa sawit berpengaruh negatif tetapi tidak signifikan pada tingkat kemiskinan dengan nilai probablitas. Jadi bila jumlah hasil produksi kelapa sawit tinggi maka dapat menurunkan tingkat kemiskinan. Variabel PDRB memiliki nilai probabilitas 0.2%. Hasil produksi dan PDRB memiliki Hubungan negatif yang artinya angka kemiskinan di Kalimantan Tengah akan menurun jika Hasil produksi Sawit dan PDRB meningkat

    UMKM Naik Kelas dengan Go Modern Bagi Sektor Usaha Kuliner di Mojolaban Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Tujuan pengabdian ini ialah mempersiapkan agar UMKM naik kelas menjadi lebih modern dan cepat beradaptasi dengan segala risiko setelah melewati masa pandemi. Go Modern diartikan sebagai perubahan pola pikir kewirausahaan yang sederhana menuju lebih profesional dengan kemampuan penguasaan ilmu manajerial yang baik.  Kegiatan ini merupakan kerjasama Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sebelas Maret dan UMKM anggota Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syariah (KSPPS) Fadhilah Sentosa di Desa Wirun, Kecamatan Mojolaban, Kabupaten Sukoharjo.  Metode pengabdian yaitu dengan melaksanakan pelatihan dan pendampingan yang meliputi 3 (tiga) hal, yaitu: pertama, pelatihan pembentukan mental pengusaha dengan penguasaan pilar-pilar bisnis,. Kedua, pelatihan pembuatan rencana bisnis dengan menjabarkan rencana tertulis dari sudut pandang pemasaran, keuangan, dan operasional. Ketiga, pelatihan pemahaman literasi keuangan dengan mengaplikasikan konsep dan risiko pengelolaan keuangan usaha. Hasil pelatihan dan pendampingan ini ialah seluruh peserta sudah berubah pola pikirnya dalam pengelolaan usaha, tetapi hanya sebagian yang sudah mengaplikasikan dalam unit usahanya

    Two Decades of Palm Oil Business - Environmental Quality Nexus: A Bibliometric Approach

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    This study strives in mapping of literature on the link between the palm oil business and environmental quality. It selects a large amount of literature published in the Scopus Database from 2000–2022. The literature was analyzed using a Bibliometric approach. The keywords "palm oil and business" resulted in 672 documents, while "palm oil and environmental quality" resulted in 1.378 documents. The finding expresses that most scholars pay more attention to reveal the impact of palm oil business and sustainable environment. Consequently, the number of documents (literature) increased over time. Journal of Cleaner Production has the highest contribution in the literature on palm oil and environment. Indonesia and Malaysia contribute significantly to qualifying palm oil's sustainable business and environmental quality. A key implication of the findings is that governments and palm oil businesses should ensure palm oil and environmental sustainability in the long-run.  

    Poverty and SMEs: A New Pradigm of SDGs Development

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    Poverty alleviation and micro-small enterprises are the essential topics in discussing the paradigm of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Micro and small businesses are considered as a panacea to alleviate poverty. So the relationship between poverty and the existence of micro and small enterprises is theoretically unidirectional. In other words, if poverty increases, micro, and small enterprises will also increase. To see the effect of poverty on micro and small businesses, this study will use the Village Potential Data (Podes) 2018 with a total of 8559 villages/wards in Central Java Province. Apart from poverty, this study will also examine the effect of technology as represented by the number of electricity customers, health from the number of supporting health centers, and finally education represented by the number of Public Elementary Schools (SDN), State Junior High Schools (SMPN) and State Senior High Schools (SMAN). By using multiple regression models, an interesting relationship is found. Those that have a unidirectional relationship to micro and small enterprises are poverty, technology, health, and primary education (SDN). The role of education in the growth of micro and small businesses strengthens Duflo's thesis (2001) on the effect of education on reducing unemployment which earned him the Nobel Prize in 2019. Meanwhile, junior and secondary education for its effect on micro and small enterprises is negative. This showed that the impact of secondary education is that it provides the possibility to work in other sectors outside of micro and small enterprise